Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Run workout

10' @ 8:46/mile pace + 10' @ 7:29/mile pace+ 6 X (30'' stride + 1' walk) + 10' @ 8:46/mile pace

this run felt good but my right gastroc and left mid-gastroc were so tight the entire workout they felt like two boulders stuck to the back of my legs. I think it is from the last couple bike workouts and maybe from the TTT over the weekend also because the right one was not tight mid-soleus where it usually is was tight in the upper/mid gastroc.

Please help make a difference -

Saturday, May 10, 2008

40k Time Trial

I did a 40km time trial today so my coach could use the data to hone in on my bike training zones.

I was pretty excited because my time ended up being 1 hour 2 minutes, a 24 mph average.

It hurt but I was surprised at the time because I haven't been training on the bike that long...only since March of this year and all last year (2007) was my year off from no bike training all last year.

Please help make a difference -

Friday, May 2, 2008

What am I doing?

Wow, it's been almost 3 weeks since I've last blogged.

I didn't realize how much time and effort it takes to keep a blog...but I know that I need to because folks email me asking me "if everything's ok" (how thoughtful)

of course the best way to see if I'm "alright" is to click on my training log link on the left side of this page.

So the past 3 weeks have been ok training wise. I got sick for about 1/2 week and cause me to miss some workouts but it was on my drop-back week so it didn't have that much affect.

I got my first 5 hour ride on the bike in, and that's good. It was a TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH day on the bike due to the 25mph sustained winds. when your peddling downhill and only going 7 know it'll be a long day. :)

we'll training isn't putting a stress on my's work. I'm steering my own ship now (no longer an employee) which is liberating but also risky, scary, but exciting all at the same time. when you're the sole provider for the family and take risk like can't do anything but cause stress.

I vowed to myself to only discuss training and charity fundraising on this blog so I'll try not to mention professional life...although right now it's such a huge component of my stress and affects my training and recovery (lack of sleep due to stress).

Irrespective of this, training is going well but can't believe there is only 4 months left until I attempt something I am completely unsure I can complete...but that's why I signed up for it so I better just go Nike (aka Just Do It).

Please help make a difference -