Monday, September 8, 2008

Ironman Wisconsin

Well yesterday was the final leg of my mission.  I had no idea what would happen but suspected the wheels would fall off in the marathon portion of the race and I would walk most of it.

What ended up happening was something that surprised everyone, especially me.

I felt unbelievable on the marathon portion and just keep running and running like forest gump...all the way to the finish line and beat my Personal Record for an Ironman race by over 1 hour!!

I still can't believe it happened and I suppose only endurance athletes may comprehend how big of a deal this is....but trust me, doing something you had no idea if you could complete (2 ironmans in a week) and then just hitting the ball out of the park when you did it....well....just is so truly amazing that I am firmly sitting on Cloud 9 today and will most likely be here all week. (Ha ha ha)

Full race report to follow shortly.


Bryan said...

Congrats!!! What you did was amazing. I'm worried about doing a HIM two weeks after Louisville and you did a full Ironman a week afterwards.

I plan on donating to your cause.

Good Job...


Rainmaker said...

Holy crap - huge congrats! Go and recover now! Eat ice cream for a month...or at least a week.

And then write-up the big ol' report!

ShirleyPerly said...

Wow, a PR?!? That is incredible!!

You're like Chris McDonald & Hilary Biscay who also did incredibly well at both races. CONGRATS!!!