Friday, April 11, 2008

Gearing up for a 4 hour bike ride

This Sunday will be the longest ride of the season so far. 4 hours. I'm excited about the long rides because I really love riding my bike (at least I'm not sick of it yet...that comes later in the season as Ironman gets closer)

I'm again organizing (or attempting to) cyclists together so we all have company on these "longer" rides this training season. Last week for our 3 hr ride we had 7 riders and it was good fun. We ended up doing about 50 miles in about 3:15 or so I think.

CLICK HERE for a map of the route we rode last week.

The last couple days of workouts have been fun. I've not been by the computer much since I'm working pretty long hours (leaving early/coming home late) but got a moment to post tonight.

Please help make a difference -

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Swim workout (2,300 meters):

200 easy free + 50 breaststroke + 100 backstroke + 300 closed fist and pullbuoy + 150 (50 one arm stroke + 50 2 strokes RA/ 2 strokes LA + 50 catchup) + 6 X 100 IM, RI=30'' + 4 X 200 descent within, RI=30'' + 100 backstroke

felt pretty good in the water today. definitely getting stronger.

Please help make a difference -

Saturday, April 5, 2008

3 Hour bike ride

We tried a new route today. The first 5 miles kinda sucked due to traffic so on the way back we took the bike path back for the last 5 miles.

The route we took is here:

Bike workout (56 miles):

15' zone 1 + 2.5 hrs zone 2 (every 3' include a 10'' max effort out of saddle burst) + 15' zone 1

had difficulty sticking to the 10" max effort every 3 min religiously but the hills seemed to get my HR and legs burning pretty regularly anyway. this ride felt good although I did have to back track a few times to make sure we didn't drop anyone. My legs felt good on the hills but obviously still want to work more on leg strength.

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Bike Workout (15 miles):

10' zone 1 + 4 X 1' one leg pedal + 30' zone 2 + 10' zone 1

ok. did the one leg pedal drill correctly (1 set for each of 4 sets).


Did 45 min of weights. 2 sets of 10-15 reps. Squats, leg extensions, hamstring curls, seated row, incline press, roman chair, step ups, straight arm lat pull down.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Double Day

Swim workout (2,300 meters):

200 easy free + 100 backstroke + 50 breaststroke + 200 closed fist and pullbuoy + 50 OK + 50 Index + 50 Pinky + 4 X 100 stroke (no free) RI=15'' + 4 X 250 light pace free, RI=10'' + 200 backstroke

focused on form. right shoulder bothering me a little bit.

Run workout (4.22 mi):

10' zone 1 + 10' zone 3 + 6 X (30'' stride + 1' walk) + 10' zone 1

on the treadmill. did 9:30min/mile pace for zone 1, 6:00-6:30min/mile pace for the strides. stupid HRM on the fritz again. 202bpm @ 6mph?? I don't think so. I think it has something to do with the watch because the HR strap works fine with the computrainer.

Please help make a difference -

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Quick Bike Today

Short, easy bike today.

Bike Workout (13.4 mi):

10' zone 1 + 5 X 1' one leg pedal + 20' zone 2 + 10' zone 1

nice easy ride...but I think I screwed up the leg pedal drills as I did a total of 5 and NOT 5 sets (1 for each leg).

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